Hello and welcome back to PARC Parent Pointers! This week is the long-awaited video about hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments. If you haven’t already, check out my previous videos, this segment is a continuation of HBOT.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments increase vascularity to the surgery site, increase the elasticity of the skin, and make the skin easier to work with during surgery. The doctors published a paper regarding this and many other benefits HBOT provides.
How to get started with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Facility Types:
PARC Protocol for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:
How many treatments are necessary?
Tips and Tricks:
Please keep our office updated on your progress. We can only recommend certain facilities and fax over a referral. If your insurance company denies hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments, we can also help with other documentation for the HBOT center’s appeal. In many cases, it is more difficult to receive treatments prior to surgery compared to after surgery. If that’s the case, there’s no need to cancel or reschedule the surgery. Instead, we would recommend staying in the Dallas area near our local facilities that have better chances of getting insurance approval. In these cases, we would send the referral over as urgent/emergent treatments the day of surgery so that you can begin treatment the day immediately following surgery. You would continue those treatments until completed or until heading home where he would finish the remainder of the hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments at a facility near your home. Many families like to stay at our local facility for the week of surgery until the weekend when they can travel home and continue treatment at their local facility that following Monday. This is because most facilities are not open on the weekends, so that is the best time to travel. Some of our local facilities are open on the weekends, but we do not recommend receiving a treatment on the same day you are traveling home by plane.As always please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns in regards to hyperbaric treatments and your son. I would be more than happy to help assist you in this process as well as talk with the hyperbaric facility if they have any questions. I can be reached at care@parcurology.com.
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