Read publication here. Warren Snodgrass and Nicol Bush have been searching for the best operation to repair severe hypospadias in boys with chordee. For a time they did TIP repair after extensive dissection of the urethral plate. Most of these operations were a success, but a few patients developed strictures needing reoperation using grafts from… Read More »
Urethral strictures following urethral plate and proximal urethral elevation during proximal TIP hypospadias repair.
Objective Use of Testosterone Reveals Androgen Insensitivity in Patients with Proximal Hypospadias
Dr. Snodgrass and Dr. Bush reported the first study using testosterone before hypospadias repair based on specific measurements of the penis. They found the standard dose of testosterone was not enough to grow the penis in most boys with proximal hypospadias compared to those with distal hypospadias. They no longer use testosterone therapy in boys… Read More »
Foreskin reconstruction does not increase urethroplasty or skin complications after distal TIP hypospadias repair.
Most boys born with hypospadias have an incompletely formed foreskin on the top of the penis but missing underneath. The appearance of the foreskin is what alerts health care providers in the newborn nursery that a boy may have hypospadias. One reason for hypospadias repair is to either remove the partial foreskin to achieve circumcision,… Read More »
Glans penis width in patients with hypospadias compared to healthy controls.
Dr. Bush and Dr. Snodgrass found that some complications after TIP hypospadias repair occur more often in those with severe hypospadias. They thought this might be due to differences in the overall size of the glans (head) of the penis. In this study they compared the size of the head of the penis in infants with distal and proximal hypospadias to… Read More »
Age does not impact risk for urethroplasty complications after tubularized incised plate repair of hypospadias in prepubertal boys.
It is commonly believed that there are more complications when hypospadias repair is done in older boys compared to infants. This could be important since in many countries it is not possible for various reasons to do hypospadias repair as early as it is done in the United States. In this study, Dr. Bush and… Read More »