Hi, welcome to PARC Parent Pointers Video Blog – my name is Bri. Each week we will talk about tips, tricks, and the most frequently asked questions I receive from our patients. For week #1 this video is all about what to expect right after hypospadias surgery (post-operative care).
I am here to reassure you that you can feed your kiddo right after hypospadias surgery. He can enjoy whatever he would like since we needed an empty tummy prior to hypospadias surgery. Additionally, you will need to begin pain medication 3 hours after surgery. Start the clock once you are back in the recovery area with your son. Typically the doctors or post-op nurses will let you know when surgery ended and what time to give the first dose of medication. If your kiddo is old enough for prescription medication (called Hycet) you will give that 3 hours after surgery, but if not then give the first dose of either Tylenol or Motrin 3 hours after surgery. We have a Tylenol and Motrin dosing information sheet on our website, but I can also email that information to you so that you have it before surgery. Stay tuned for next weeks video that talks all about what to anticipate before hypospadias surgery in regards to feeding instructions.
If you have a question or a topic you would like me to discuss in further detail please email me at care@parcurology.com.
Thanks for blogging with Bri!
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