Most hypospadias repair is done in children by pediatric urologists, as most adult specialists do not do much hypospadias repair. There is a misperception that adults have worse outcomes with hypospadias repair than children. Parcurology has one of the largest experiences with adult hypospadias in the world. They know they can get the same results… Read More »
Adult Hypospadias with Dr. Nicol Bush & Dr. Warren Snodgrass
Reoperation with Dr. Nicol Bush & Dr. Warren Snodgrass
Dr. Bush and Dr. Snodgrass specialize in hypospadias re-operations. Some patients heal with complications, which can lead to a higher risk for complications with more surgery. They have repaired many patients who have been told their problem couldn’t be fixed because of so many failures before. Dr. Bush and Dr. Snodgrass are considered experts in reoperative… Read More »
Foreskin Repair with Dr. Nicol Bush & Dr. Warren Snodgrass
Parents may choose for their baby boy to have a circumcision or a repair of the foreskin to look natural. 1 out of every 5 patients operated on wants the foreskin repaired, and the risk of complications is the same for those that want a circumcision and those that want the foreskin repaired. Very few… Read More »
Hypospadias Repair in Infants with Dr. Nicol Bush & Dr. Warren Snodgrass
Hypospadias is the second most common birth defect. It refers to an opening that’s below the normal tip of the penis. In addition, some boys have curvature that may impact sexual activity as an adult, and almost all boys have an incomplete formation of the foreskin around the top but not around the bottom of… Read More »
Hypospadias repair: Lessons for improving urologic surgery
In this presentation to a medical conference in Tel Aviv, hypospadias experts Dr. Nicol Bush and Dr. Warren Snodgrass discuss various complications and their correction after hypospadias surgery, using TIP or grafts taken from the mouth. They also explain their studies using testosterone and why they no longer recommend it before hypospadias repair.